I received some great cards from Francesca few days ago. I'm very happy with it:) These cards was in my wish-list so long and finally got them! Yay! Take a look:
I think it's a great idea. Cats and Romanian landmarks at the background.
And this is a card from Sarah. Very impressive view of Melbourne, one of the biggest cities in Australia. I was glad to g\find this card in my mail-box, 'cos I receive Australian cards not too often (as Italian, Spanish etc). So every card is a big gift for me:) Thank you, Sarah!
And this card is a birthday present from my friend Marina (thank you, you sent me so many cards! even too much:)). It's a lovely nightview of Rome. Love Italian cards, so sad I have no much of them! But I'm improving;)
This funny card came to me from United Kingdom, from Andy. It's so cute:) Cards with animals are the part of my wish-list:) Well, I wrote "wild animals", because if I'll write "and pets too" or "any animals", everybody will send me cats:) No, I love cats, but on postcards I prefer to see different animals:) But I will be not against nice cat-card. So send me cat-card only if you think it's unique and unusual, o.k. :)?
I received this card from kasper. And I absolutely love it! I love cards from Netherlands. Maybe even I love them the most:) (well, of course, I love all the cards, but everybody should have one or few favourite countries, yeah?) This card is definitely became one of my favourite. Look, isn't it great?!
Belgian postcards are also not frequent guests in my mail-box. It's my first view card. I'm glad it's a card with the views of Brussel, the capital, because I have a wish to gather postcards from every capital (at least European). I'd like to have a single view with a picture in the right upper corner. Thanks to ferro (sorry, I missed the real name) for this card!
And here is my second (just second) postcard from South Korea. I've got this card thanks to Joy. And I'm very glad because of it, I wanted country or city view, or nature view, or something typical Korean. It's pretty hard to get a card from South Korea, but, I'm sure, it's more easy than to get card from North Korea:)
I received this card of a cable car climbing the steep Hyde Street Hill from Stephanie. Thanks a lot! This card remind me warm summer days... Sadly not in San Francisco:)