Yappi!! Yesterday I received my 100th official postcard (of caurse, I have much more postcards, but this is my 100th official, via postcrossing.com. It is from user "Around" and the card shows hte town named Savonlinna, and the castle named Olavinlinna (built in 1562). So nice names:)) Here is a link with some photos of this castle.
And I also wanna show you my first card. I've never been abroad (sadly, but true), and this is the first card I've ever received from other country. The card is from Mirkku (Finland, of caurse:)) Unfortunately, I don't know what the monument is this.
This card is the first, so very important for me.

2 коммент.:
ha, i have the same card of savonlinna! and i like it very much! very interesting view
Yep, and I'm glad my 100th card is so nice!
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