Few weeks ago a received a fat letter from Poland. I was confused, because the address was written in Ukrainian! And I remember, that I wrote my address on postcarossing site in English. Maybe, I forgot something:)? Or, maybe, it's my ex-compatriot decided to send many postcards and words to native land:)?
And I was soo surprised, when I saw, that I was wrong:)

It was letter from Ksenia. She is Pole, but likes (even loves:)) our counrty and culture very much. She sent me 5 absolutely beautiful postcards. They all different, but very nice and interesting, as you can see.And multiview, and art...

and single view...

and even sports;) (for Euro-2012, which will be placed in our countries)

Ксюша, якщо ти раптом це читаєш. Хочу ще раз подякувати за чудові листівки! Вони прикрасили мою колекцію. Сподіваюсь, ми зможемо підтримувати зв'язок і надалі!
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