I have two... No, three cards from Taiwan. Here is one of them. It's a thank you-card from Yin. Thank you, Yin!
Photos of Taipei
I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. (O.Wilde)
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6 коммент.:
just... WOW! colors are wonderful!
by the way, i noticed that none of my thai cards could not be named as "unsightly" - they all are winderful and nice to see :)
p.s. any ideas what's this tower?
Well, I think it's a Taipei 101 tower, currently the tallest building in the world.
Wow, this card is just amazing! I have received a card that belongs in the same series, but it's taken on daytime.
Oh and thanks for your comment! :)
Ничего себе здание! Офигительно смотрится. Для пущего эффекта еще не хватает грозового неба и молнии :)
Jenna, you are welcome:) I like to read other blogs:)
Ну, небо, вообще-то, немного странное. Такое... красное. Это у них там серьезно такое небо?..
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